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Fit Out, M&E, Maintenance




Carlisle, Glasgow, Leeds, Livingston, London & Warrington

Thank you, Glenigan, for helping us open doors to new opportunities.

June O'Brien

National Business Development Manager


Morris & Spottiswood are one of the leading providers of fitout, refurbishment, M&E, and construction services in the UK. We’re a family-run business with a proud track record of excellence. We aim high, act responsibly and value our staff and customers.

The challenge

Our biggest challenges were finding relevant opportunities, targeting high-growth sectors and identifying key consultants. Tracking leads and preventing “leakage” was also a constant battle.

The solution

Glenigan simplifies lead targeting. We can zero in on our “heat zone” (ideal work areas) and filter projects by sector, size, stage, and key contacts – all in a few clicks.

But it’s more than just leads – it’s intelligence. Monthly insights and reports empower me and my team to spot hidden gems and make data-driven decisions. It’s not just a pipeline builder, it’s a future-proof forecast and a secret weapon for closing deals.

Alternative solutions

Curiosity led me to a cheaper competitor, but six months later, I knew it wasn’t working for us. The information provided by Glenigan’s competitor wasn’t there, the support lagged, and I missed the proactive partnership with my Account Manager. Glenigan just clicks for us – user-friendly, insightful, and always pushing us forward.

Would you recommend Glenigan?

For a National Business Development Manager, Glenigan is invaluable. It covers all our sectors, opens doors to countless client opportunities, and empowers me to build a robust pipeline with ease. The platform is extremely user-friendly and, most importantly, the support from our account manager Anna, and the entire Glenigan team, has been outstanding. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Glenigan to anyone in my field.



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