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Henry Boot reports 2012 revenue dip
Source: Construction News
Henry Boot is expecting a drop in group turnover to around £100 million for the 2012 financial year.The Sheffield-based construction, development and housing firm said in a pre-close trading update today that there has been no material change in its financial position since its interim management statement on 12 November 2012. Henry Boot said back then that it is expecting a rise in construction turnover for the year. It said today that total group revenues for the year ended 31 December 2012 are expected to be around £100 million. The group reported £114m of revenue and £16.1m of pre tax profit in the 2011 year.
Company Profile: Henry Boot Developments Limited
Manchester Airport buys Stansted for £1.5bn
Source: New Civil Engineer
Airport operator Heathrow has agreed to sell Stansted Airport to Manchester Airports Group for £1.5bn.
Company Profile: Manchester Airport Group
Wates wants new subcontractors in North East
Source: Construction Enquirer
Affordable housing contractor Wates Living Space is holding a ‘Meet the Buyer’ event to give local subcontractors the chance to work on a range of new-build and housing refurbishment sites across the North East. Joanne Jamieson, Regional Managing Director for Wates Living Space, said: “We are keen to continue to support subcontractors across the North East, a commitment that we fully intend will benefit the regional economy and local employment. The free event will take place on February 13 at the Newcastle Gateshead Marriott at the MetroCentre from 09:30am until 16:00pm. Interested firms must complete an expression of interest form to be considered for a 20-minute interview slot.
To register, please contact Laura Kennedy at BE Group on or Tel:0191 426 6333.
Company Profile: Wates Construction
Morgan Sindall wins showcase Essex Business School
Source: The Construction Index
Morgan Sindall has won a £14.7m contract to build a new home for Essex Business School on the University of Essex ‘s Colchester campus. The business school is currently spread across six buildings. The new three-storey building, covering 5,500 square metres, will consolidate it under one roof. Essex Business School is due to be completed in early summer 2014 and will include a 200-seat lecture theatre, a number of smaller seminar rooms, learning and teaching areas, common rooms and social spaces for students.
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