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  • Architects’ confidence about their future workload reached a new high in June, according to the latest RIBA Future Trends Workload Index. A balance of 44% of practices expect their workload to rise over the next three months, up from 37% in May. Practices from all nations and regions in the UK anticipated an increase in workloads. Large practices (51+ staff) are the most optimistic about future work prospects (balance figure +71%); small practices (up to 10 staff and medium-sized practices (11 to 50 staff) were also positive with balanced of 42% and 47% respectively expecting their workloads to rise.


  • Retail sales volumes in June were 4% up on a year earlier. This was the 27th consecutive monthly increase and was the longest period of sustained year-on-year growth since May 2008, when there were 31 periods of growth. However, sales volumes were 0.2% down on May 2015 with falls were reported by predominantly food stores, other stores, household goods stores and petrol stations. Whilst annual sales volume have been increasing, average store prices fell by 2.9% in June compared to a year ago, with petrol stations recording the sharpest fall due to lower fuel costs.
  • Public sector net borrowing (excluding public sector banks - PSNB ex) during the first quarter of the current financial year (April to June 2015) was £25.1 billion, according to official statistics. This is a decrease of £6.1 billion compared with the same period a year ago.

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