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Argent selected as preferred bidder on Brent Cross

Argent has been chosen as preferred bidder for Barnet. Council's 7,500-home scheme at Brent Cross Cricklewood South. 
Project ID: 1553009

Spurs stadium set to go ahead after court challenge

Tottenham Hotspur have been given the all-clear to begin planning a new stadium after a local business appeal against a compulsory purchase order was rejected by the High Court.

Project ID: 7485469

Pinnacle construction could restart this year

London's most famous stalled skyscraper dubbed the Pinnacle has been rescued by a £300M deal.

Project ID: 1100614

Contractors picked for London's Thames Tideway Tunnel construction contracts

Thames Tideway Tunnel has chosen its preferred construction consortia to build three major tunnel sections for its super sewer.

The winners include a Laing O’Rourke and Ferrovial Agroman joint venture, which has bagged the largest central section contract.

Project ID: 14018427

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