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Start emailing your sales leads
Email marketing is a low-cost way sell your product or service to potential customers. And there are lots of low-cost Email Marketing Web Applications out there to help you do this e.g. MailChimp and Dotmailer to name just two.
The basic rules are the same as conventional direct marketing, however, there are some specific things you need to consider when undertaking an email marketing campaign:

Subject line
Make it relevant and refer to specific projects
Personalise wherever possible

Send time
Many people start their day by going through their inbox and filtering out emails, therefore you may find it more beneficial to send later in the day

Unsubscribe links must be included in all emails which allows recipients to opt-out of receiving future communications. To comply with data protection you must not re-send to these individuals. If your website or database supports it, a preference centre can help contacts manage the frequency of emails they receive from you.


Direct Mail

Start writing to your sales leads

Stand out from the crowd by sending printed direct mail
Sending a targeted direct mail to exactly the right person can really make a difference to your sales pitch. Email is fantastic, but following an email campaign with a printed mailer can add real credibility to you and your company. Some things to consider before you start sending:

  • What are you trying to say and to whom?
  • How will you make it engaging and what are you asking the recipient to do?
  • Why should the potential customer buy from your company?
  • What are the key benefits your company can deliver?

Before you send any direct mail make sure:

  • It is personalised
  • It starts with a short sentence
  • It is written in the ‘first-person’ narrative using “I” and “you”
  • It is written in a way that should elicit a response
  • It is all about the prospect, not the product
  • It reinforces the most important point with a P.S.
  • If you are going to include a brochure with your direct mail:
  • Keep it concise and credible
  • Make it visually appealing


And last, but no means least – make sure the envelope gives a good first impression by ensuring you have spelt everything correctly!

The small print:
These hints & tips are suggestions only and should not be treated as your final marketing plan.
Examples of marketing tools are suggestions only.
Glenigan can take no responsibility for your marketing plan or choice of supplier.